Programator XGecu T56 NAND Falsh/NOR/ NAND/ EMMC
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Uniwerslany programaotr T56 XGecu:
Aktualna wersja oprogramowania: V10.11 z dnia : 22.04.2020 r.
Ilość obsługiwanych układów: 22966 układów
Zestaw zawiera:
- programator 1 szt.
- przewód USB 1 szt.
- przewód ICSP 1 szt.
Zestaw nie zawiera sterowników na nośniku, możesz je pobrać na dole tej strony.
Opis programatora:
Ultraszybki, uniwersalny 56-pinowy programator o dużej mocy, nie wymaga adapterów do żadnych urządzeń DIL. W pełni otwarte adaptery do programowania i konkurencyjna cena.
Programator skoncentrowany na programowaniu pamięci o dużej pojemności. Niezwykła wydajność, ultraszybka prędkość programowania, bardzo mała i przenośna. Fajny wygląd, niskie zużycie energii, doskonała stabilność pracy.
1. Obsługa układów:
Podstawowo zawiera te same układy w obsłudze co TL866II Plus oraz dodatkowo szerszą bazę układó NOR / Flash / NAND Flash / EMMC w obudowach
TSOP48 / TSOP56 / BGA48 / BGA63 / BGA64 / BGA100 / BGA153 / BGA162 / BGA169 / BGA221
Programator zawiera w obsłudze: 22.966 układów ( wliczając układy serii 25/ 24/ 93 oraz MCU )
2.Parametry programatora
(1). 32-bit MCU 200MHZ + Xilinx SP6 FPGA structure, USB2.0 HS 480MHZ transmission
(2). 56-pins powerful pindrivers IO design. All pins have a maximum operating frequency of 50MHZ and high reliability.
(3). Stable and reliable 8-Pins in-circuit programming ISP interface, the wire Lehgth is more than 30CM, and it can communicate reliably at 25MHZ. 25 series / EMMC in-circuit programming with a maximum clock frequency of 40MHZ-50MHZ
(4). VCC voltage 1.2-6.5V 64 levels adjustable
VPP voltage 6.5-25V 64 levels adjustable
IO communication signal voltage continuously adjustable 1.2V-3.6V
VCC 120MA-320MA overcurrent protection continuously adjustable
VPP 120MA overcurrent protection.
(5). Power consumption: 5V <500MA. All chips do not need external power supply.
It can be connected to an external power supply 5V-5.5V 500MA for multipile programming.
The external power can be powered by a cell phone charger or charge pal can be seen everywhere.
The programmer has multiple protections for the external power supply:
Overvoltage protection / reverse connection protection / overcurrent protection / low voltage prompt.
(6). One of the fastest programmers in this category
Sustainable programming speed 12MB/s-25MB/s
Programming 2 GB eMMC NAND Flash in less than 160 sec
Reading EMMC speed: 14MB/s-45MB/s, it is 2-5 times faster than similar programmers.
This is important for large-capacity chips, 64GB EMMC chips. If 10MB/s (the average programmer cannot reach 10MB/s) reading takes 6400 seconds, T56 can usually reach more than 20MB/s, as long as about 3000 seconds
Ability to handle extremely high speeds, meaning that programmer hardware has greater stability at lower speeds
(7). Open self-test function, self-check each VPP/VCC /GND/IO
3.EMMC programming function special introduction
(1). The most functions EMMC programmer, which can perform one-key mass production operation on EMMC
(also can be programmed with 4 machines in one computer)
Load project files, load all parameter settings at once, and directly program.
Read and write speeds up to 12MB / s-45MB / s
(2). EMMC function introduction
2.1: Analysis function of the mother chip, analyze the content of the original chip, and display the following results:
Display chip manufacturing information
Visual display of chip usage up to 8 partitions
Each partition shows whether it is write protected, can be read, can be rewritten or deleted
Shows whether the entire chip is temporarily or permanently write protected
Show whether the chip is password protected
Show whether the chip uses a 32-bit security authentication code to write to the RPMB.
Show other important parameters of ECSD/CSD/CID
You can also read the ECSD / CSD / CID file into this programmer to enter the load analysis
Can also perform some general analysis on ECSD files read by other programs
(after fully understanding the use of original chip, can do what you want)
2.2: Read/Program function (all functions can be completed with one button)
Read CID / CSD / ECSD.
Clear full-chip temporary write protection before programming
Clear temporary write protection groups before programming
Delete chip before programming
Blank Check the chip before programming
Burn 32-bit authentication key
Perform chip password verification
Partiton Config
Read and write to BOOT1
Read and write to BOOT2
Read and write to RPMB
Read and write to GP1
Read and write to GP2
Read and write to GP3
Read and write to GP4
Read and write user data (User Area)
Setting up temporary write protection groups
Set up a permanent write protection groups
Set password (or reset password)
Programming ECSD
Programming CSD
Automatically verify all the above operations after burning
(3) .ISP connector for in-circuit programming
3.1 Ultra-high stability ISP in-circuit programming, wire length can be up to 30CM, working frequency 25MHZ, reliable work. If the length is within 10CM, it can be operated at 40-50MHZ.
3.2 ISP can also use 4-bit mode, the operation speed is increased to 4 times
(4) .EMMC other functions
1. The working frequency and working voltage of EMMC can be adjusted manually.
2. The user area data can be read and written in multiple files.
3. If there is a password when Erase, will do Force Erase
4. Password can use ordinary password or SHA1 encrypted password
5. The value of ECSD / CSD can be loaded from the ECSD_CSD file or manually set by the user
6. Ignore data CRC error during read operation
7. Optional automatic verification after reading operation is completed.
8. The device information includes high-definition pin map and ISP wiring
9. EMMC has real-time speed display during read and write operations, and the final average speed display
(5).EMMC Adapter and ISP connection
EMMC ISP Connection (4bit or 1bit)